Assessment Cycle
ASCC academic affairs "Assessment Cycle " continues to monitor the assessment of all courses offered biennially. Every cycle begins in the Fall and ends in the Spring, following an Academic Catalog. All Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) are assessed in each course. The SLOs are curriculum mapped from the Course Learning Outcome (CLO), Program Learning Outcomes (PLO), General Education Outcomes (GEO), and to the Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILO).
The Assessment Cycle is a map to monitor the assessment of student learning outcomes of all ASCC courses. Each semester faculty are required to report on student learning outcomes assessment data. To help manage and monitor the submission and reporting of SLO assessment data, the assessment cycle gives faculty a map of what course data is to be submitted by each semester. For example: All course alphas in Semester one are 100-150. This means that all courses offered in the Fall semester that begin with 100 and end with 150 are assessed and data will be reported and submitted only for these courses. However, using the assessment cycle does not prevent faculty from assessing all other courses offered in that semester. This is only a guideline to faculty of what data is required to be reported and submitted each semester.
The cycle begins in the Fall semester and ends in the Spring semester following the academic calendar of the ASCC catalog. Semester one is the Fall semester which is the beginning of the new catalog, and semester four is the spring semester which is the ending of the two-year catalog.
The Course Offering stats have been reported following the assessment cycle. This data provides academic departments important information on how each academic department is offering all academic program courses within two years. More information on this data is provided in the ASDS I.A.2 Course Offering Stats