Institutional-set Standards for Student Achievement (ISS)
Institutional Set-Standards (ISS)
As part of ASCC’s mission to provide quality education, the college identified indicators of student achievement and developed institutional set-standards to ensure the effectiveness of its programs and services. The indicators are a part of ASCC ’s “Pathway to Student Success” as seen in the diagram above. The “milestones” are points of achievement along the course to a degree or certificate attainment. The Cohorts represent the different levels at which students enter degree programs. Students either seek degrees, certificates, or both. Most enter at the developmental levels and a few may enter at the gateway level depending on placement scores. Persistence through the pathway varies depending on the type of cohort.
Each standard below sets the level of performance the college expects to meet. By monitoring these measures, the college can ensure it is providing and maintaining quality programs and services. The standards are the basis for the institution’s evaluation and planning.
Note: In Fall 2020 the institution approved Stretch Goals for the standards and added Standard VI.
ASCC Institutional Set Standards for the following areas:
Standard I: Developmental Courses: The successful completion of the highest non-credit bearing English and Math Courses which transition students into college readiness.
Standard II: Gateway Courses: The successful completion of college-level English and Math Courses as required by all degrees to transition into Gen-Ed and Program Requirements.
Standard III: Degree Program Requirements: The successful completion of Gen-Ed, Core Foundational, and Co-Foundational courses required by a Degree program.
Standard IV: Persistence Rates: The retention of students in their first year and second year and within 150% time to graduation.
Standard V: Degree/Certificate Completion and Career Technical Education (CTE): The successful completion of a Degree Program or Certificate and transfer to institutions of higher learning or transition into the workforce.
Standard VI: Graduation Rates, Transfer and Transition into the Workforce: The successful completion of a Degree Program or Certificate and transfer to institutions of higher learning or transition into the workforce.